Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Hi. So poo. Bla. There's this person i know and they think i like them as a friend, the problem is i can't stand this person. It's not that i'm mean to this person or i avoid them, i just never want to be friends with them. i can't stand this person, they just grind on my nerves :(. And what sucks is they're always around, following me around. Again, i'm never mean to this person and i don't make it obvious. By the way, don't worry, it's non of you and probably no you know but i can't be to specific because i never know who's reading this.

I think some people make way too many sexual jokes. Like they're funny sometimes, but one after an other after an other kind of get boring sometimes.

What do you think?

Sunday, April 5, 2009


Hi. My name's Mitch. I'm not really an emo, but i have an other blog (electric poptart @ and that blog is really happy, so it feels out of place when i write something serious or sad. What i'm saying is; this blog isn't going to be like, emo, cutting wrists, everything sucks, but it's going to be serious, probably. ;3